domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017

We are so thankful for your partnership!

We trust in God that all of you had a blessed Christmas and also our best wishes for the New Year 2018!

We are so grateful to God to allow us to have each of you being part of what God is doing among us and we are convinced that if you are not being partner with your prayers and your financial support will be very difficult to do God’s call to our lives. Every life, every opportunity that God brought us this year to share the Gospel, serve or to discipleship someone, let me tell you that you were part of it.

2018 is here and all of us have many desires for the next year, plans, Goals and all this remains us what says Psalms 20:4-5
“May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans! May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the Lord fulfil all your petitions!”

This Psalm is so connected with Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
The connection between these two Psalms is that God will fulfill or will give our petitions or our desires. But, the idea here is not our selfishness desires. Instead the idea is if “We Delight ourselves in the Lord” we will have His desires in ours heart and then God will fulfill or will give our petitions, because they will be the same as God’s desires.

This is our prayer for us and for you all for 2018. May God bless your heart, your life and your family, and God continue using you to accomplish His desires to His work among us.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

The Loayzas

Please Pray for The Loayza Ministry

Staff Member at Christ Fellowship
Director of Discipleship and Missions
Translation English - Spanish at Christ Fellowship
Spanish Bible Study
English Classes for Immigrants (ESL) at Christ Covenant
English reading Discipleship Bible Study (ESL students)
Prison Ministry at Hernando Jail (2018)

Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support, we rest on God, that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21

viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

     The apostle closes the chapter with a doxology. It is proper to conclude our prayers with praises. Our blessed Saviour has taught us to do so. Take notice how he describes God, and how he ascribes glory to him. He describes him as a God that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. There is an inexhaustible fulness of grace and mercy in God, which the prayers of all the saints can never draw dry. Whatever we may ask, or think to ask, still God is still able to do more, abundantly more, exceedingly abundantly more. Open thy mouth ever so wide, still he hath wherewithal to fill it. Note, In our applications to God we should encourage our faith by a consideration of his all-sufficiency and almighty power. According to the power which worketh in us. As if he had said, We have already had a proof of this power of God, in what he hath wrought in us and done for us, having quickened us by his grace, and converted us to himself. The power that still worketh for the saints is according to that power that hath wrought in them. Wherever God gives of his fulness he gives to experience his power.

     Matthew Henry

Christ Fellowship had the Sermon Series “Biblical Church Leadership”

     In the month of November, we will take a break from studying Mark to consider the qualifications for church elders and deacons. This is a season of great significance for us as a young church. We need to consider carefully the kind of men God wants to lead His church. The congregation will have an opportunity in December to nominate men for those offices. 

The November series followed this schedule:

November 5 – “Elect Christians”
November 12 – “Elect Men”
November 19 – “Elect Servants”
November 26 – “Elect Shepherds”

     We need to pray. God knows the hearts of all men (Acts 1:24). Our task is to look for men who are already doing the work. We only want to recognize and affirm the call of God that has already been placed on these men. We are excited because one of the candidates is a Latino Brother!


English Classes

     On November 19th, we had a dinner to celebrate our First Anniversary and Thansgiving. We had a great time together tasting different kind of food from different countries. We had a blast playing a game together. We had the opportunity to share God’s Word. Chad Emerson shared Psalms 100 A Psalm for giving thanks and I translated him.  We are so grateful to God for allow us to serve beside a great team: Chas and Jennifer Emerson, David Criger, Delena and Jeremy Beavers and Tom Harrison. Also pray for our students: Jose, Pablo, Lucy, Angelica, Martha, (Mexico), Geronimo, Manuel (El Salvador), Naaima (Morocco), Magaly and Elba (Venezuela)


English Reading Bible Study

     We have started our Reading Bible Study. Geronimo, Manuel and Pablo are coming. Please pray for them!


Spanish Bible Study 

     We have started Ephesians chapter 4. We are going deeper in every study. We still having the Spanish Bible Study at different houses. God still bringing people to hear the Gospel, we have a new couple Giovanni and Doris. We still having an Anglo member from Christ Fellowship who attends the Bible Study, Please pray for all the families who are attending!

I would like to share a Facebook post from Mike


We celebrated Thanksgiving with all the families. We really had a great time together.


Please pray for a future prison ministry at Hernando jail. 

     Before Thanksgiving, Ps Clint Wilcke and I had a lunch with Bill Rasco, Sheriff of Hernando. And also David Criger and I had a meeting with the Chaplain. God opened this door which will be a great opportunity to serve into the prison among the latinos.  


Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support, we rest on God, that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Hebrews 12:13 and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.

“By "feet" are meant the walk and conversation of the saints, both in the church, and in the world, [Son of Solomon 7:1 How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O noble daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the work of a master hand.]
and there are paths made ready for these feet to walk in; as the good old paths of truth, of the word and worship of God, of faith and holiness: and to make these paths "straight", is to make the word of God the rule of walking; to avoid carefully joining anything with it as a rule; to attend constantly on the ordinances of Christ; to go on evenly in a way of believing on him; to walk in some measure worthy of the calling wherewith we are called, and by way of example to others.”   

John Gill

Highlands Presbyterian Church
October 7th   - 8th, We were invited to share about what God is doing at Christ Fellowship. What amazing time for the Winebrenners and the Loayzas to visit our brothers and sisters at Highlands Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS!. We can said:  God was Glorified!


Grace Presbyterian Church PCA
October 13th – 14th, I was invited to be one of the speakers at Missions Conference “ Building Bridges to our community” at Grace Presbyterian Church PCA, Grenada, MS. It was more than a blessing to be part of this conference, I had the privilege to share God’s word beside Dave Veldhorst, Director of Mobilization at MTW and Dewayne Williams, Director of Restoration Now. 

Another Blessed time was when a group from Grace Presbiteryan Church PCA, went to pray for the community and God allowed us to be there.

Dewayne Williams' Facebook Post

It was a great weekend in Grenada, MS! I saw my brothers and sisters in Christ, met local pastors, prayed for the City of Grenada and prayed with police officers in Grenada. I told our group it is not just one area that needs prayer because of a recent murder but all of Grenada needs prayer because we commit murder when we hate our brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:15 Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.
There was a great time unity and affirming our identity in Christ and not in race, class or location. What are you adding to the narrative? Is it affirmation and unity with your brothers and sisters or affirmation of your hatred towards your brothers and sisters?


Christ Fellowship is having  the Sermon Series “Follow Me”
“Please continue praying for Christ Fellowship” We are convince that God is leading us to build the congregation of Christ Fellowship. One of our focus is everyone grow in the knowledge of Christ through the Bible. For that reason, we started to give the option to listen the sermon in English or Spanish, to accomplish that, Mike is preaching in English, and I in Spanish at another room. We are doing this only for the sermon time, the rest of the worship service we will be still doing it together. But we still having in list our Communion Sunday or Lord Super all the worship service together.  Our vision is to be “One in Christ ” No matter what languages we speak and No matter what our backgrounds may be. 


English Classes
We are so grateful to God for allow us to serve beside a great team: Chas and Jennifer Emerson, David Criger, Delena and Jeremy Beavers and Tom Harrison. Please pray for continue showing the love of Jesus Christ through this classes. Also, For reading we are having “Reading a Scripture”, we are using scriptures from the Bible that appoint to Jesus. We believe that we are sowers putting the seed of God in the hearts of each student and will bring the fruit! 
Also pray for our students: Jose, Pablo, Lucy, Angelica, Martha, (Mexico), Geronimo, Manuel (San Salvador), Naaima (Morocco), Magaly and Elba (Venezuela)


English classes and Reading Bible Study
God willing we will start again our Reading Bible Study. David and I are ready to start this Wednesday, November 1st . Please pray for us! 


Spanish Bible Study
In October, we started Ephesians chapter 3. We are going deeper in every study. We still having the Spanish Bible Study at different houses. The last Tuesday we had three new persons, they arrived two months ago from Venezuela looking for Political Asylum. God still bringing people to hear the Gospel, we are so excited for that. Please pray for them: Christian, Alejandra and Jorge. We still having an Anglo member from Christ Fellowship who attends the Bible Study, Please pray for all the families who are attending!


Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support, we rest on God, that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21

viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

If we read Hebrews chapter 11 is talking about Faith,we will find a list of men, who “Trusted in God”,and also we can see many stories, miracles, and incredible events that they could see as a witness because they “trusted in God”Faith Always is connected with Trust!

"Faith sets no limits on God's power and submits itself to His will"

Hebrews 11:6  ESV
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

We are so Grateful to see God working among Christ Fellowship, and it includes us as part of their family.

September 17th, amazing day it has been. As my brother Mike Winebrenner said : We adopted new church members, performed an adult baptism, immersed four young people (include our son Esteban) in Palmer Home Lake. Because mode of baptism won’t divide us! We are One in Christ.


Christ Fellowship is having  the Sermon Series “Follow Me”

Thank you all for your Prayers! We are convince that God is leading us to build the congregation of Christ Fellowship. As a diverse church, we have different opinions and different views. We can’t satisfied everyone, but our focus is everyone grow in the knowledge of Christ through the Bible. For that reason, two weeks ago we started to give the option to listen the sermon in English or Spanish, to accomplish that, Mike is preaching in English, and me in Spanish at another room. We are doing this only for the sermon time, the rest of the worship service we will be still doing it together. But we still having in list our Communion Sunday or Lord Super all the worship service together.  Our vision is to be “One in Christ ” No matter what languages we speak and No matter what our backgrounds may be.


CPC organized a Relief Trip to Texas with Partnership MNA Disaster response
God blessed us to be part in this effort to help our brothers and sisters in Houston, Texas.
 Seth Herren (Director of Domestic Missions CPC) was the person who lead the team. What a blessing to serve beside him, a godly man of God. Also I need to mentioned Paxton Fitts, member from Christ Fellowship, and Christopher Whatley, Seth’s friend. We were cleaning out flooded apartments and a home.  What a beautiful opportunity to serve others and show to our brothers in Christ they are not alone.

A specific prayer request from Seth Herren,
Seth and Christopher helped Mrs. Nouri at her home, she is from Iran. She is not a Christian but her friend does, Her name is Huy. Seth, ask me to pray specific for Mrs. Nouri’s salvation and also for Huy, to be a witness of Christ in Mrs. Nouri’s life.


English Classes

 It’s amazing to see God working every Wednesday at the English classes. The last Wednesday came for second time Naaima, she is from Morocco, she is very kind lady and also Muslim, please pray specific for her and for us to show the love of Jesus Christ through this classes. Another new activity that we have included is Reading a Scripture, to practice the reading we are using scriptures from the Bible. We believe that we are sowers putting the seed of God in the hearts of each student and will bring the fruit!
Also pray for the others students : Jose (Mexico), Natalia (Colombia), Elba (Venezuela) and Pablo (Mexico). Please pray  for wisdom to share the Gospel among them!  Also pray for : Lucy, Angelica, Martha, Lisa and her daughters, Geronimo, Michael, Magaly.


English classes and Reading Bible Study
We still waiting for Geronimo and Manuel to start again our Reading Bible. David is ready to start, really he inspires me. Please pray for David’s health! We still praying to start soon!


Spanish Bible Study
We are very blessed! After 16 weeks we finished Ephesians chapter 1 and 2. We are going deeper in every study. We are having the Spanish Bible Studies in five different houses now, it means every Tuesday is in different house. We still having an Anglo member from Christ Fellowship is attending the Bible Study, he loves to be around the latinos, also he wants to learn Spanish. I think it is the best way to learn!. Please pray for all the families who are attending!


Definitely God still showing His faithfulness to His people, as Apostle Paul wrote:

   And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus”. Phillipians 4:19

God provided a Car for Sere! Appreciate your prayers!


Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support, we rest on God, that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21

jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

"for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries". 1 Corinthians 16:9

"For the Lord opened up a way for him for the furtherance of the gospel. He calls this a great door, because he could gain many. He calls it effectual, inasmuch as the Lord blessed his labor, and rendered his doctrine effectual by the power of His Spirit. We see, then, how this holy man sought everywhere Christ’s glory, and did not select a place with a view to his own convenience or his own pleasure; but simply looked to this — where he might do most good, and serve his Lord with most abundant fruit; and in addition to this, he did not merely not shrink back from hardships, but presented himself, of his own accord, where he saw that he would have to contend more keenly, and with greater difficulty. For the reason why he remained  was, that many adversaries were at hand; and the better equipped he was for enduring their assault, he required to be so much the better prepared, and the more resolute".              

                                                        John Calvin


Christ Fellowship is having  the Sermon Series “Follow Me”
Please pray for the Bilingual Preaching! Mike and I were team-preaching in English and Spanish. Our vision is to be “ One in Christ ” No matter what languages we speak and No matter what our backgrounds may be.

Breaking Down the Wall
I spoke on August 20th. I had the blessing to be one of the speaker and the theme was “Immigration Relations with the Church”. Was an amazing experience!


English Classes
 We started August 9th. The last months some students that we had just move or start new jobs, for that reason they couldn’t come anymore.  Really, we are so grateful with God because He brought new students: Jose (Mexico) Natalia (Colombia) Elba (Venezuela) and Pablo (Mexico). Please pray for wisdom to share the Gospel among them!  Also pray for : Lucy, Angelica, Martha, Lisa and her daughters, Geronimo, Michael, Magaly.


English classes and Reading Bible Study
We took some weeks off too. Definitely David and me needed a break! I am so grateful for David work, really he inspires me. Please pray for David’s health! We still praying to start soon!


Spanish Bible Study
We are very blessed! After 10 weeks we finished Ephesians 1 and We have already started Ephesians chapter 2. We are going deeper in every study. We are having the Spanish Bible Studies in five different houses, it means every Tuesday is in different house. The last two weeks we are having a Anglo member from Christ Fellowship is attending the Bible Study, he love to be around the latinos, also he want to learn Spanish, I think it’s the best way to learn!. Please pray for all the families attending!


Back to School
The time flies! Esteban is in 7th Grade, Samuel 3rd Grade and Josue Kindergarten. Please pray for them in this School new year!


Definitely God still showing His faithfulness to His people, as Apostle Paul wrote:
   And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus”. Phillipians 4:19
We moved on August 10th and we are enjoying the new place. Our kids have already made new friends. Thanks so much for your prayers!


Prayers Request

Please pray for a family car for the Loayza's 

Definitely, we need another car!. A year and a half ago, God bless us with a Toyota, Avalon 1995, sedan. Really, we are so blessed! Will very helpful to have a family car for Serenith, because it will be less stressful for me if I will be retire of being Serenith's "Chauffer", Lol...    

Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support, we rest on God, that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21