jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019

“but as it is written, "Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.”

                                                                                                                Romans 15:21

“For the Messiah was not spoken of to the Gentiles; they were strangers to the covenants of promise; the oracles of God were committed to the Jews; God gave his word and statutes to them, and not to any other nation: and yet, according to this prophecy, the Gentiles were to see him whom they had no account of; not in the flesh with their bodily eyes, in which sense only, or at least chiefly, the Jews saw him; but with the eyes of their understanding, by faith, as exhibited and evidently set forth before them as crucified, in the Gospel and the ordinances of it: and though they had heard nothing of him, having for many hundreds of years been left in ignorance, and suffered to walk in their own ways, until the apostles were sent among them; whose sound went into all the earth, and their words to the end of the world; yet when this would be the case, according to these words, they would understand the mind and will of God, the mysteries of his grace, the nature of the person and offices of Christ, the design of his coming into the world, and the way of salvation by him; all which was greatly brought about and accomplished, in the ministry of the Apostle Paul among them.”
John Gill

Because God’s word is our assurance, we are convinced that “they would understand the mind and will of God, the mysteries of his grace, the nature of the person and offices of Christ”. Therefore, we will continue faithfully to accomplish what God has called us to do.

Please continue praying for our support

We praise God for the opportunity to serve Him among the Immigrant community of DeSoto County, Mississippi with the gospel of God in Jesus Christ.
We are so thankful to all of you who have and are supporting us through your prayers and financial support, coming alongside of us in this ministry which we have received from the Lord. 
God has shown His faithfulness over and again for our needs the last years. Please pray with us about raising a 100% of our financial support, so that we can continue to meet our obligations in the way that will be honoring to the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers, Jaime & Sere Loayza.

Connecting Immigrants – Anwar from Yemen
To continue building a relationship with Miguel, he invited me to attend a ESL program from a Methodist Organization that provides education, spiritual development, and respect for work. One of their locations is in Whitehaven,TN next to Southaven, MS. It is already almost a month ago, I’m attending to ESL classes. What a great opportunity to continue to improve my English and it is a new open door to meet people from around the world! I have a new friend. His name is Anwar. Please PRAY for wisdom as how I start building a relationship with my new Muslim friend.  

Sing Learn and Pray - (Christ Covenant Spanish Worship Service)
On February 24th, Christ Covenant had special service evening to close “MISSIONS EMPHASIS WEEK”. The leadership of Christ Covenant Church had the great idea of combining their evening service for missions with SLP (Spanish Worship). What a wonderful time worshiping God together in Spanish! I had the blessing of translating John Crosby's sermon.  

One on One Discipleship - English Reading Bible Study for the foreigner (at Christ Covenant)
Mario Moncada (Honduras) is attending faithfully the Spanish Bible Study and Christ Fellowship. Last week, we started a discipleship at the CFC office. It is good to see Mario growing in his faith to the Lord.

Please pray for wisdom for Mario to lead his household to the true Gospel, because his wife is dealing with her wrong beliefs.

Miguel and I continue building a closer relationship. Miguel is still working second shift and this is affecting our discipleship meetings.  
Please pray as to how we can organize our schedules to continue having the discipleship Bible studies. I'm grateful that God is letting me see His work in Miguel's life.

Spanish Bible Study (CFC Hispanic and Latino population)
We are in Galatians chapter 3. Please continue praying for the bible study in order God continues bringing new attendants and continues making Disciples.

Prison Ministry at Hernando Jail
David, Andrew and I went on Saturday, January 23rd to the Hernando Jail. We continue teaching from the Gospel of Mark.
David and I preached a bilingual sermon. We had a beautiful picture of “Diversity” with Whites, African Americans and Hispanic inmates as our audience.

ESL - English Classes at Christ Covenant
Please continue praying for our students: Lucy, Angelica, Martha and Pablo (Mexico), Geronimo, Pedro, Joselyn (El Salvador), Magaly, Edith, Miguel, Camila y Valeria (Venezuela). Martha Segovia, Erika, Monica, Jose and Jesenia (Mexico), Miguel and Francisco (Guatemala), Zule (Mexico) and Naiima (Morocco) Chon Arias (Mexico) and Mateo(Guatemala). We have a new student: Silvia from Colombia!

And also pray for our team: Chas and Jennifer Emerson, David Criger, Delena and Jeremy Beavers, and Tom Harrison. And our volunteers: Hilary Paige, Kelly Pasley and a new volunteer Michael Emerson.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to support us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link  Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with The Loayza Ministry

Thank you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the Lord is at work!

Please pray for us. We need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God has called us to do.

"And thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation, but as it is written, "Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand."
                                                                                                                              Romans 15:19-21

jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Matthew 13:44

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

                                                                                                                                           Matthew 13:44

“In this parable and the next he represents it as of great value in itself, and of great advantage to those who embrace it, and are willing to come up to its terms; it is here likened to a treasure hid in the field, which, if we will, we may make our own.
Jesus Christ is the true Treasure; in him there is an abundance of all that which is rich and useful, and will be a portion for us: 
All fulness “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell.” Col 1:19 “And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” Joh 1:16
Treasures of wisdom and knowledge “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Col 2:3, 
Of righteousness, grace, and peace; these are laid up for us in Christ; and, if we have an interest in him, it is all our own.”
Matthew Henry

As His disciples and His servants, we may make Christ as our own treasure to know deeply the great value in itself, and of great advantage to those who embrace it, and to be willing to come up to its terms this year 2019.

Please continue praying for our support
We praise God for the opportunity to serve Him among the Immigrant community of DeSoto County, Mississippi with the gospel of God in Jesus Christ.
We are so thankful to all of you who have and are supporting us through your prayers and financial support, coming alongside of us in this ministry wich we have received from the Lord. 
God has shown His faithfulness over and again for our needs the last years. Please pray with us about to rise a 100% in our financial support, so that we can continue to meet our obligations in the way that will be honoring to the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers, Jaime & Sere Loayza.

Sing Learn and Pray - (Christ Covenant Spanish Worship Service)
 On January 27th , we had a wonderful time worshiping God together! 
We are so grateful for ESL Team showing the love of Christ through this event.
Please continue praying specifically for more students can attend. 

One on One Discipleship (Christ Fellowship) - English Reading Bible Study for the foreigner (Christ Covenant)

Mario Moncada from Honduras, started visiting the Spanish Bible Study last year. After that, he became convinced that the gospel that he heard two years ago in a church was the prosperity Gospel.  For that reason Mario left this church, for almost 4 months Mario and I were having communication through text message, in that time Mario grow in his faith and the knowledge of the Reform Theology. Since last November 2018, Mario is attending faithfully at the Spanish Bible Study and Christ Fellowship. 
Please pray for wisdom for Mario as how he lead his household to the true Gospel, because his wife is confused for all this situation.  

Miguel and I continue building a closer relationship. Miguel got a new job as second chief and this is affecting our discipleship meetings.  
Please pray as how we can organized our schedules to continue having the discipleship Bible studies. Grateful to God to let me see His work on Miguel's life.

Spanish Bible Study (CFC Hispanic and Latino population)
We are in Galatians chapter 2. Please continue praying for the bible study in order God continue bringing new attendants and continue making Disciples.

Prison Ministry at Hernando Jail.
We went on Saturday, January 26th to Hernando Jail. We continue teaching about the Gospel of Mark.
Excited to see more men involved in this Ministry. Andrew Lancaster member from Christ Fellowship was with us!
David and I preached a bilingual sermon from Mark 7, and our audience were all Hispanic inmates. 

ESL - English Classes at Christ Covenant
Please continue praying for our students: Lucy, Angelica, Martha and Pablo (Mexico), Geronimo, Pedro, Joselyn (El Salvador), Magaly, Edith, Miguel, Camila y Valeria (Venezuela). Martha Segovia, Erika, Monica, Jose and Jesenia (Mexico), Miguel and Francisco (Guatemala), Zule (Mexico) and Naiima (Morocco) And for the new students: Chon Arias (Mexico) and Mateo(Guatemala).
And also pray our team: Chas and Jennifer Emerson, David Criger, Delena and Jeremy Beavers, and Tom Harrison. And our volunteers: Hilary Paige, Theresa Rowe and Kelly Pasley.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link   Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry 

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the Lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians
For I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:19-21