lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

And say to Archippus, "See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord." Colossians 4:17

..."See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord." 

I love it! Is amazing to see this words from apostle Paul to encourage Archippus. Who was Archippus? 

Archippus is mentioned also in Philemon 1:2. He is not elsewhere referred to in the New Testament, and nothing further is known of him. 
The phrase "See that you fulfill the ministry", The Greek here is,  tēn diakonian - meaning the office of ministering in divine things; but it is not certain precisely what office he held there. It seems probable from the language which the apostle applies to him - “the ministry”. Archippus, that he was not a deacon, properly so called, but that he was a preacher of the word. In Philemon 1:2, he is mentioned by Paul as his “fellow-soldier,” and it is evident that the apostle meant to speak of him with honor. There is no evidence, as has been supposed by some, that he intended to imply, by what he said, that he had been remiss in the performance of his duties, but the apostle doubtless meant to encourage him and to excite him to increased ardor and zeal in the work of the Lord;It is always proper to caution even the most faithful and self-denying servants of the Lord to “See that,” or see to it, that they perform their duties with fidelity. The office of the ministry is such, and the temptations to unfaithfulness are so great, that we need constant watchfulness. "fulfill the ministry" That there be nothing wanting, or lacking, in any of the departments of labor which you are called to perform.

Every christian have a special place in the body of Christ, some in visible places or non-visible places, but for everyone is necessary to hear "See that you fulfill the ministry", for me is necessary to hear: Jaime, See that you fulfill your service that you received in the Lord...

March 4, CPC Missions Conference 2017

By God´s Grace, who permit me to serve Him. I received a invitation of the CPC World Missions, to speak about the perspective on "The importance of World Missions" at CPC Missions Conference 2017, that had as principal speaker Dr. Paul Long, the theme of the conference was " Divine Power to Destroy Strongholds" 
(2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

I can say that was a huge blessing and also a honor to meet Dr. Paul Long, a humble 
servant of God, of who I learned that night more about the Biblical perspective for missions.

March 5, I had the blessing again to preach to my Church Family "Christ Fellowship"...

If you would like to listen the sermon click on the title:
  • He showed His authority through serving others. 
  • He taught the real meaning of the Sabbath. 
  • He is merciful to restore. 

A beautiful story of God's work...

Two weeks before the spring break, Michael and me were at church office, Mike was having a meeting out the office. Around 10:am, Michael listened someone arguing, just in that moment the neighbor from the store beside us knocked the door office calling Michael! Please help this lady. 

There was a lady with a little three-year- old girl. She was arguing with her boyfriend. 
Michael and me knew that was not a coincidence, was the providence of God permitting it for a purpose. 
Immediately, Michael called the boyfriend  to talk, also his name  is Michael.
We were talking with both, trying to bring peace between them. They just moved from Cleveland, MS. 
After talking with them around 30 minutes, Mike arrived and he took them to his office to talk with them. Mike was counseling them, and the same time Michael and me were praying for Mike and the couple. 
After, 1 hour and half, they took a break and they came back later to continue the counseling.

The conclusion is that they decided to receive help from the Church and visit the Church. Praise God!
After the a week, they visit us at the Bible Study and it was Amazing! 

A week after spring break, Michael visited us and Michael Williamson was talking with him, 
but Michael W. had a meeting, and the moment I started talking with Michael, I was sharing about God have a plan for everyone, trying to encourage him because he was hurt and 
without hope about his life and his relationship with his girlfriend. 

I explained to him a picture that to fix something is necessary to start allover, back from the beginning, this means back to God.
By God's Grace I shared to Michael the gospel, many scriptures bring to him the understanding that the only he needs is God to save him. 
After around 45 minutes talking, Michael started crying, was obviously the Holy Spirit was bringing conviction of sin. And in that moment I asked To him: Michael, what would you like to do? Michael's answer was : I need to be saved! 

I told him: Michael, would you like to ask God? Michael's answer: Yes, I need it!
I said to him: Michael, ask God, with your own words, He is willing to hear you.
Then Michael, fell down in his knees, putting his hands on the floor, with tears in his face, claimed: God! Save me, Jesus Save me, forgive me of my sins, please save me...
Then I gave to him a hug, we prayed together. 

After that, I visited Michael in his job that is very close of the church's office, the idea was to encourage him to visit us to talk more about how we can continue helping to know more God. 
The last Monday Michael Williamson and me started a discipleship with Michael, praise God, all the glory to Him! Please pray for him to continue growing in the faith of Jesus 

I have being a Translator of:

Christ Fellowship Bible Study...

We are studying Galatians, and I can say that is a blessing to see Christ Fellowship growing in the knowledge of God as a Church Family!

Men´s Servant Leadership

I have being a Translator and be part of this important time for our church family.

Bible English Study, Please pray for David and me, The English Reading Bible with Manuel and Geronimo. Every Wednesday 9:30 am at David's home.

Building Stronger Families

After seeing this amazing opportunity that God already gave us, we are committed to serve the community, in this case the Middle School of Horn Lake. Our goal of this opportunity is to take the different issues of each family and to use that to present to them the solution Jesus Christ. 

We can say God is leading the meetings, it's beautiful to see the families opened the hearts and start building a relationship with them!  
The plan for Parent Support Group will be :

Introduction February 2nd 

What is at the heart of the Family February 16th

Looking for the best foundation March 2nd

what will be the best materials to build a house? April 6th

We need to furnish the house? May 4th

Please, we don't pretend to show them that we are perfect or we are the best parent that know everything. Also we want to show to them that we are imperfect people that need to learn too, but we already know who is the best counselor God through the Bible.

Our deepest desire is they look at us as persons who want to serve them and help them. So, Please pray for us, we need it.

English Classes for Immigrants

Sonia, Angelica, Zule, Lucy, Manuel, Geronimo, Lisa, Alisha and Liping, our students. We are so grateful to God to see them learning!

Serenith is so grateful to God for the team that He brought to help us. 

Thanks Chass and Jennifer Emerson, Jeremy and Delynna Bevers and David Criger! they are helping with the pronunciation and building a relationship with them.
It is so encouraging to us because it is one of our goals as a principal purpose of the English Classes for Immigrants.

Please, pray for our students, specifically for continue building a relationship with them. Also, to know what will be the best way to Serenith start a discipleship with the ladies, with the help of ours sister in Christ of Christ Covenant. 

Please pray for a family car for the Loayza's 

Definitely, we need another car!. A year and a half ago, God bless us with a Toyota, Avalon 1995, sedan. Really, we are so blessed! Will very helpful to have a family car for Serenith, because it will be less stressful for me if I will be retire of being Serenith's "Chauffer", Lol...    

Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support, we rest on God, that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Chrsit Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link   Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21