miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

"The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground."

"The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come."  Mark 4:26-29

The husbandman, when he hath sown the seed, doth nothing toward the springing of it up; He sleeps, and rises, night and day; goes to sleep at night, gets up in the morning, and perhaps never so much as thinks of the corn he hath sown, or ever looks upon it, but follows his pleasures or other business, and yet the earth brings forth fruit of itself, according to the ordinary course of nature, and by the concurring power of the God of nature. Thus the word of grace, when it is received in faith, is in the heart a work of grace, and the preachers contribute nothing to it. The Spirit of God is carrying it on when they sleep, and can do no business” 

Matthew Henry

Spanish Bible Study
We almost finish Ephesians chapter 6, is our 50th week studying this wonderful epistle! 
We had a theme God’s Plan and design for the Family | Kid’s responsibility to their parents and Parent’s responsibility to their Kids.
Please continue praying in order to God bring more families.

Oscar and Karen

We can say that God is doing His work in Oscar and Karen, they offered their home to have the Bible Study. Please pray as they continue being a regular attendants of the Bible Study and to continue building a close relationship with them.

Prison ministry at Hernando Jail.
Saturday, June 28th David and I were at Hernando Jail. We continue teaching about the Gospel of Mark David’s sermon was : Lunatic, Liar or Lord | Mark 3:20-35 
We had a mix of feelings because almost all of our inmates friends were gone. We didn’t know if they were released or they were moved to another prison. We trust in God that His word will bring fruit. 
Please pray for Heriberto (Mexico) and Luis (Honduras) as they still waiting for their release.

English Classes
Looking forward to start a new semester on August 15th. Please continue praying for our students: Lucy, Angelica, (Mexico), Geronimo, Pedro, Joselyn (El Salvador), Magaly, Edith, Miguel, Camila y Valeria (Venezuela) and Esmeralda (Honduras)
And also pray our team: Chas and Jennifer Emerson, David Criger, Delena and Jeremy Beavers, and Tom Harrison. 

Please pray for The Laras Family, as they continue visiting Christ Covenant. We gathered with them as we are building our friendship.

Please Pray for Miguel and me as we start a personal discipleship TODAY!

Building Relationships | ESL 
Pedro and Joceline, ESL students, invited us to their daughter’s birthday party. We are so blessed with this family. Please pray to continue building a friendship with them. 

English Reading Bible Study
David, Miguel and I still having our time to study and read the Bible. We trust in God’s work that will show more fruits in Miguel’s life.

Loayza's Vacation
One more time God surprised us! We could have a time of rest and enjoy the beach, thanks God who work in mysterious ways and for Him all the Glory!

Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support. We rest on God that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21