jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit

Jude 1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,

Building up yourselves on your most holy faith; some copies, and the Complutensian edition, read, "our most holy faith"; meaning the doctrine of faith in all its branches, which is holy, a most holy doctrine; which displays the holiness of God, and is a means of beginning and increasing internal holiness in the saints, and of encouraging and exciting them to external holiness of life and conversation: this phrase, "holy faith", is in use with the Jews: and it becomes the saints to build up one another upon this; the doctrine of faith, is a foundation to build upon, particularly what regards the person, offices, and grace of Christ, and is itself of an edifying nature; and they should not content themselves with their present knowledge of it, but seek for an improvement in it

John Gill

This is our deepest desire to grow and improve in the Grace of Christ to edify others!

Christ Fellowship “Officer Nominees”

Please pray for the men who have accepted their nominations as elders and deacons. Pray as we  walk on the last process of God’s call in the coming months.


English Classes
January 19th & 20 th our team of English Classes had a training given by MNA ESL (Mission North America English as a Second Language) Mr. and Mrs. Chaplin were our trainers, was a great blessing to had Mrs. Becky as a teacher trainer. We can say that was amazing! The training help us to upgrade and improved the way to teach English. We are so grateful to God for allow us to serve beside a great team: Chas and Jennifer Emerson, David Criger, Delena and Jeremy Beavers, Mary Edwards and Tom Harrison. Please pray for our students: Jose, Lucy, Angelica, (Mexico), Geronimo, Pedro, Joselyn (El Salvador), Magaly, Edith, Miguel, Camila y Valeria (Venezuela) and Maribel (new student from Mexico)


Spanish Bible Study
We still studying Ephesians chapter 4. January 25th a Peruvian friend, who is Missionary in Peru visit us. It was a great opportunity to have him at the Bible Study and share about missions. God in his providence used this visit to give an introduction about “God’s gifts to his people to build His Church”. Please pray for all the families who are attending!


Please pray for a future prison ministry at Hernando jail.
David Criger and I finished all the paperwork to apply to do a “ Prison Ministry at Hernando Jail ”, we are waiting for the process of it. Please pray for God open a door which will be a great opportunity to serve into the prison among the Latinos.


Esteban is 13th!!
Today, is Esteban’s Birthday. It is overwhelming and exciting to be parents of a teenager. Please, pray for him and to us for wisdom in this new journey.


Please Pray for The Loayza Ministry

Staff Member at Christ Fellowship
Director of Discipleship and Missions
Translation English - Spanish at Christ Fellowship
Spanish Bible Study
English Classes for Immigrants (ESL) at Christ Covenant
English reading Discipleship Bible Study (ESL students)

Prison Ministry at Hernando Jail (2018)

Please, also pray for our Fundraiser, we need to reach the 100% of our Financial Support, we rest on God, that He will open more doors!

Thanks so much for being partner with us and support Loayza's Ministry to unreached people groups in Desoto County, specifically among immigrants.

Our support account is open with our mother church when you are ready to being supporting us. Please make checks payable to " Christ Presbyterian Church " and write " The Loayza Family " in the memo line. Mail to: PO Box 722, Olive Branch, MS 38654

You may also give using this link Be a "Financial Fellow Worker" with Loayza´s Ministry

Thanks you again for your commitment and we will stay in contact to let you know how the lord is at work!

Please pray for us, we need the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to accomplish what God call us to do, like apostle Paul asked to the Philippians

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:19-21